New Course - Assisting with Inhalant Medication

Learning and Development
New Course - Assisting with Inhalant Medication

Five Good Friend’s new Inhalant Medications course is about how Helpers can assist Members to self-administer nebuliser and metered dose inhalant medications.

The newest module in our suite of medication courses, this course aims to introduce Helpers to the labelling on inhaled medication devices or packaging and familiarise them with what they can expect to see at a Member’s home.

Inhaled medications are any drugs that are breathed into the body. This course provides a range of valuable information, including the different types of inhaled medications and how to administer and store them safely, correctly and effectively. If any of your Members require assistance with inhaled medications, this course will provide you with the information you need to provide a higher standard of care. Alternatively, this module presents an excellent opportunity for Helpers seeking a wider variety of work to expand their skillset.

The courses' objective is to teach Helpers to:

  1. Check the level of support Members need with their inhaled medications before assisting
  2. Assist with inhaled medications safely
  3. Report medication observations, concerns, and incidents.

For further information: Call us on 1300 787 581 or email [email protected]

To enrol directly: Go to and self-enrol.